Skin Care Tips for Pregnant Women with Psoriasis: Essential Guidance


Navigating pregnancy is an exciting and sometimes challenging journey, especially when you're living with psoriasis. During this time, it's essential to take care of your skin while ensuring the safety of both you and your unborn baby.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - young mother sits cross legged on her bed while applying cream to her stomach.

With the right approach, you can manage your psoriasis symptoms and enjoy a healthy, comfortable pregnancy.

It's important to be mindful of the treatments you use to manage your psoriasis during pregnancy.

Over-the-counter topicals, such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil, are safe options for mild psoriasis cases, as they pose minimal risk to your developing baby.

Be sure to avoid certain medications and treatments that may not be safe for you and your baby, and always consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your routine.

Aside from treatments, there are several lifestyle adjustments and daily habits you can adopt to maintain your skin's health.

Protect your face from the sun to reduce the risk of developing melasma (patches of darker skin), and consider discussing a folic acid supplement with your doctor.

As certain therapies can deplete the levels of this essential vitamin.

Incorporating some of these tips into your daily routine can significantly improve your skin condition during pregnancy, allowing you to focus on preparing for your baby's arrival.


Key Takeaways

  • Psoriasis Management: Pregnant women with psoriasis need to effectively manage their symptoms to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Proper skincare and treatment strategies can help alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of flare-ups.


  • Gentle Skin Care Routine: It is essential to establish a gentle skin care routine that includes mild cleansers and moisturizers. Avoiding harsh products and fragrances can prevent irritation and maintain the skin's natural balance.


  • Bathing Tips: Taking lukewarm baths and avoiding hot water can prevent excessive drying of the skin. Adding colloidal oatmeal or moisturizing oils to the bathwater can help soothe itchy and inflamed skin.


  • Itchy and Dry Skin Relief: Pregnant women with psoriasis often experience itchy and dry skin. Using fragrance-free moisturizers regularly and avoiding scratching can provide relief. Additionally, applying cool compresses or using over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams may help manage itching.


  • Stress Management: Pregnancy itself can be stressful, and stress is known to worsen psoriasis symptoms. Engaging in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or gentle exercises can help manage stress levels and potentially alleviate psoriasis flare-ups.


  • Topical Treatments: Pregnant women with psoriasis can discuss safe topical treatments with their healthcare provider. Options may include steroid creams and ointments, calcipotriene and calcitriol creams, coal tar products, or anthralin creams. These treatments should be used under medical supervision.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - closeup side view of a pregnant woman's belly that has many stretch marks on it, text beside says “Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes.”


Table of Contents



Key Takeaways

Table of Contents

Understanding Psoriasis and its Effects on Pregnant Women's Skin

General Skin Care Tips

Topical Treatments for Psoriasis

Phototherapy and Light Treatment

Addressing Other Skin Conditions and Hair Care during Pregnancy

Resources and Clinical Trials

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Clothing Choices

Sun Protection





Understanding Psoriasis and its Effects on Pregnant Women's Skin 


Unfortunately, psoriasis doesn't take a break during pregnancy, and can even worsen due to hormonal changes.


For women who suffer from psoriasis, pregnancy can be a challenging time as the skin undergoes significant changes.


In fact, studies have shown that up to 50% of pregnant women with psoriasis report experiencing flare-ups during pregnancy.


These flare-ups can occur at any stage of pregnancy and can affect different parts of the body such as the scalp, face, hands, and feet.


Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - closeup of psoriasis on a woman’s forehead.


Importance of Taking Care of Your Skin During Pregnancy 


Taking care of your skin during pregnancy is essential for expectant mothers.

It helps manage symptoms like itching and dryness while preventing complications such as infections or even depression.


In addition to managing symptoms and preventing complications, taking care of your skin also helps promote healthy baby development.


Pregnancy is a time when the body undergoes significant changes including hormonal fluctuations which may exacerbate certain conditions.


This means that expectant mothers need to take extra special care not just for their own well-being but also for their baby's health.


In this article, we'll cover some tips for taking care of your skin when pregnant with psoriasis.


We'll discuss general skincare tips every mom-to-be should know as well as some specific ones for managing psoriasis flare-ups during pregnancy. So let's get started!

General Skin Care Tips

The Importance of Using Gentle, Fragrance-Free Products

Establishing a consistent skin care routine can help you manage your psoriasis symptoms.

To avoid irritating the skin further, it is important to use gentle, fragrance-free products. Fragrances can cause irritation and increase inflammation in the skin.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - young woman scratching a sensitive area on her arm, this has caused it to irritate and turn the area red.

When shopping for skincare products, look for those with simple ingredients and no added fragrances.

Some products marketed as "sensitive" may still contain fragrances or other irritants, so always read the label carefully before purchasing.

Avoid using harsh soaps or scrubs on affected areas. Instead, opt for mild cleansers and gentle exfoliants to help remove dead skin cells without causing further irritation.

You may consider using over-the-counter topicals, such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil, which are safe choices for pregnant women.


The Benefits of Regular Moisturization

Pregnant women with psoriasis are more susceptible to dryness and itching due to hormonal changes in their bodies.

To alleviate this discomfort and prevent further damage to the skin barrier, moisturizing regularly is essential.

Choose a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer to apply after showering or bathing while your skin is still damp.

This will help lock in moisture and prevent your skin from drying out throughout the day.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - closeup of wet female hands with moisturized oily skin.

You may need to apply moisturizer more frequently than usual during pregnancy as your body goes through changes that affect your skin's hydration levels.


Avoiding Hot Showers or Baths


While hot showers or baths may feel soothing in the moment, they can actually worsen psoriasis symptoms by causing dryness and irritation.


Hot water can strip away the natural oils in your skin that keep it hydrated and healthy.


Instead of taking hot showers or baths during pregnancy, try using lukewarm water instead.


Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - pregnant woman washes belly in the shower.


It's also a good idea to limit shower or bath time to no more than 10-15 minutes to avoid over-drying your skin.


You could also try adding a mild, unscented emollient to your bath water to help soothe and moisturize your skin.


After bathing, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel and apply your moisturizer immediately to lock in moisture.


By following these simple tips, you can keep your skin healthy and comfortable during pregnancy – even if you do have psoriasis.


Avoid Scratching or Picking at Psoriasis Patches


While it may be tempting to scratch or pick at psoriasis patches on your skin, doing so can cause more harm than good.


Scratching can lead to an infection which can worsen the condition and make it even more uncomfortable and painful.


If you find yourself continuously scratching a patch of psoriasis out of habit or anxiety during pregnancy, try covering it with a bandage or wearing gloves while going about daily activities.


If itching persists despite these measures, speak with your doctor who may prescribe medication that targets itchiness.


To alleviate itchy and dry skin, always choose a moisturizer that is specifically formulated for sensitive skin or psoriasis-prone skin.

Look for products containing emollients, which can help soothe and nourish the skin.

Petroleum jelly is a good option, as it forms a protective barrier to lock in moisture.

Reapply your moisturizer throughout the day, especially after washing your hands or when your skin feels dry.


Stress Management

Stress is known to trigger psoriasis flare-ups, so it's crucial to practice stress management techniques during your pregnancy.

Try incorporating mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or prenatal yoga into your daily routine.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - sporty black pregnant woman sitting on a yoga mat, exercising at home in her bedroom.

Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, family member or therapist can also help alleviate stress.



Regular exercise can benefit both your physical and emotional well-being while pregnant.

Engaging in low-impact activities, such as walking or swimming, can help manage stress and keep your skin in better condition.

Make sure to consult with your healthcare provider to establish a safe exercise routine during pregnancy, considering the ever-changing impact it has on your body.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -pregnant fitness woman doing lunges for her leg muscles, during workout at the gym.


Topical Treatments for Psoriasis

There are various topical treatments for psoriasis that are suitable for pregnant women.

Remember to always do a test patch first, this should apply to any product you plan to put on your body.

If you have any doubts, your healthcare provider should be able to provide you with the answers you need.


Steroid Creams and Ointments

Steroid creams and ointments are commonly prescribed to treat psoriasis during pregnancy.

They can range from mild to potent steroids depending on your specific needs.

Low- to mid-strength corticosteroids are often prescribed as they do not appear to increase the risk of birth defects or cause a baby to be born early.

However, they may increase the risk of developing stretch marks.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - young mum with baby laying on a bed, mother showing her tummy full of stretch marks.

To use steroid creams or ointments, simply apply a thin layer to the affected areas:

  • Wash your hands before and after application


  • Apply once or twice a day, as prescribed by your healthcare provider


  • Do not apply more than the recommended amount


  • Avoid covering the treated area with a bandage or dressing, unless advised by your healthcare provider


Calcipotriene and Calcitriol Creams

Calcipotriene and calcitriol creams are forms of topical vitamin D that can help treat psoriasis by slowing down skin cell growth.

These treatments may be an option during pregnancy but should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

To apply calcipotriene or calcitriol creams:

  • Follow the same application steps as with steroid creams and ointments


  • Be aware that these creams may cause skin irritation or worsening of psoriasis in some cases; consult your healthcare provider if you experience any discomfort


Coal Tar Products

Coal tar products are available over-the-counter and can help reduce the redness, itching, and inflammation associated with psoriasis.

They work by slowing down skin cell growth and can be used during pregnancy. However, coal tar products can be messy to apply and have a strong odor, so you may want to consider these factors before including them in your skincare routine.

We have mentioned in previous articles that some studies say that coal tar could be detrimental to you while pregnant. The more we look into this area coal tar seems to be safe in moderation and is recommended more and more by doctors. As you are all well aware, psoriasis products affect people in different ways. I just want to try and provide you with as much information as possible. You can then make that decision with the help of your doctor as to what is the best option for you and your baby.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - coal tar soap for hand washing.

To use coal tar products:

  • Apply a small amount to the affected area and gently rub it in


  • Leave the product in place for the recommended time, usually 1-4 hours


  • Rinse off with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a clean towel


Anthralin Creams

Anthralin creams can be an effective option for treating psoriasis, especially for stubborn patches.

These creams work by slowing down skin cell growth. There is limited information on the use of anthralin creams during pregnancy, so always consult with your healthcare provider before beginning treatment.

To use anthralin creams:

  • Apply a thin layer to the affected area and leave it on for the recommended time, usually 10-60 minutes


  • Rinse off the cream with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a clean towel


  • Be cautious when applying the cream, as it may stain your skin, hair, and clothes

As with all treatments, always follow the advice of your healthcare provider and monitor your skin's reaction to any new topical medication during your pregnancy.


Phototherapy and Light Treatment

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

During pregnancy, managing psoriasis can be a challenge, but one effective option is phototherapy, specifically ultraviolet (UV) light therapy.

This treatment slows the growth of affected skin cells by exposing your skin to a specific type of UV light. Two safe options for you during pregnancy are narrowband UVB and broadband UVB.

When using UV light therapy, it's important to be aware of the potential risks, such as the chance of skin cancer from long-term exposure.

However, these risks can be minimized by carefully following your doctor's recommendations and monitoring your treatment schedule.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -newborn having treatment under ultraviolet light, while he sleeps at home in his crib.


PUVA Therapy

Another form of light therapy is PUVA (psoralen plus ultraviolet light A). This method combines a photosensitizing medication (psoralen) taken orally with exposure to UVA light to help improve your psoriasis symptoms.

Due to the risks associated with PUVA treatment during pregnancy, such as potential harm to the fetus, it is generally not recommended for pregnant women.

As a pregnant woman with psoriasis, it's essential to work closely with your healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you, considering the benefits and risks of each option.

In any case, be sure to follow their instructions and recommendations in order to effectively manage your psoriasis and ensure the health of both you and your baby.


Addressing Other Skin Conditions and Hair Care during Pregnancy

Managing Acne

Pregnancy might lead to an increase in oil production, causing acne. To manage it, make sure to:

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water using a mild cleanser.


  • Use a pregnancy-safe topical treatment if necessary.


  • Avoid harsh and alcohol-based products.

Remember to consult your healthcare provider before using any acne medications during pregnancy.


Preventing Skin Cancer

Protecting your skin from sun exposure is crucial during pregnancy. Consider these tips for preventing skin cancer:

  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.


  • Avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.


  • Wear protective clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.


  • Check your skin regularly for any changes.
Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -top view of sunscreen and after sun lotion on orange and brown background.


Hair Care

Keep your hair healthy during pregnancy by following these guidelines:

  • Use mild shampoos and conditioners to avoid dryness and irritation.


  • Opt for natural haircare products when possible, as certain chemicals might be harmful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Choose gentle styles, such as braids and loose buns, to prevent excessive hair pulling.


  • Consider cutting your hair shorter for easier maintenance, as pregnancy hormones can cause hair to grow faster and thicker.


Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - short haired pregnant woman laughs as she cradles her tummy.

Always consult with your healthcare provider before using any new hair care products or treatments while pregnant.


Resources and Clinical Trials

National Psoriasis Foundation

The National Psoriasis Foundation is a valuable resource for pregnant women with psoriasis.

They offer support and guidance on managing your condition during pregnancy, including information on safe treatment options and lifestyle modifications that can help alleviate symptoms.

By exploring their website, you can stay well-informed about the latest research and advancements in psoriasis care.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -young healthcare professional in white lab coat standing beside a microscope and smiling.


Food and Drug Administration

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays a crucial role in regulating and approving medications for psoriasis treatment.

As a pregnant woman with psoriasis, you should be aware of the FDA's recommendations on the use of medications during pregnancy.

This can help you make informed decisions when working with your healthcare provider to develop an appropriate treatment plan.


Human Studies

When it comes to psoriasis treatments during pregnancy, clinical trials, and human studies are important sources of information.

Although it may be difficult to find many randomized controlled trials involving pregnant women due to ethical concerns, there are still valuable observational studies and reports that can guide treatment decisions.

For instance, a review of treatment options for psoriasis in pregnant or lactating women found that while prospective randomized control trials have not been conducted in this population, they do encounter new-onset psoriasis and flares, which may require treatment throughout their pregnancies.

By staying informed about the clinical trials and human studies available on psoriasis and pregnancy, you can make more informed decisions regarding your care and treatment plan.

Keep in mind that your healthcare provider should always be consulted for personalized advice based on your unique circumstances.


Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 rich foods

When it comes to managing psoriasis symptoms during pregnancy, your diet is an important factor to consider.

Certain foods can help reduce inflammation in the body which can in turn help manage the symptoms of psoriasis.

Incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet like fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 rich foods can be very beneficial.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants which help fight inflammation in the body.

You should aim to include a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables in your diet as they contain different types of antioxidants that benefit skin health.

Incorporating omega-3 rich foods such as fatty fish or nuts can also help reduce inflammation and improve skin health.


Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining healthy skin during pregnancy especially if you have psoriasis.

Drinking plenty of water ensures that your skin stays moisturized from the inside out which can alleviate dryness or itching caused by psoriasis.

Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day but feel free to increase this amount if you feel like you need it.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -pregnant woman pours herself a glass of water while relaxing in bed at home.

If you find plain water boring, try adding some slices of lemon or cucumber for a refreshing twist. You could also try drinking herbal teas or coconut water for added flavor.


Manage stress levels through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation

Stress is a known trigger for psoriasis flare-ups so it's important to manage stress levels during pregnancy as much as possible.

This can be achieved through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation which have been proven to reduce stress levels.

Yoga involves gentle stretching exercises combined with deep breathing techniques that help calm both the mind and body.

Meditation involves taking time out to focus on calming the mind through breathing techniques or visualization exercises.

Both of these relaxation techniques can be helpful to manage stress during pregnancy.

Incorporating some of these lifestyle changes into your daily routine can help reduce psoriasis symptoms during pregnancy.

Remember, it's important to check with your doctor or healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routines.


Clothing Choices

Loose-Fitting Clothes for Comfort

When it comes to clothing choices for pregnant women with psoriasis, comfort should be the top priority.

Psoriasis patches can be sensitive and easily irritated by tight-fitting clothes, so it's important to choose loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips -2 pregnant women sitting on a bookshelf, lean into each other.

Not only will this help prevent irritation, but it can also promote good air circulation which can keep your skin dry and healthy.

In addition to choosing the right type of fabric, it's important to consider the style of clothing as well.

Clothing that is too snug around the waistline or sleeves may rub against psoriasis patches and worsen symptoms.

Loose fitting dresses or skirts with an elastic waistband are a great option as they offer comfort while still providing coverage.


Avoid Tight Clothing

Tight clothing, such as skinny jeans or leggings, may look fashionable but they're not very practical for women with psoriasis during pregnancy.

Not only can tight clothing cause chafing and irritation on existing psoriasis patches but they can also make you feel constricted and uncomfortable throughout the day.

If you must wear tighter clothing items such as pants or skirts, choose ones that are made from stretchy materials that won't rub against your skin.

Avoid any materials that may cause friction on your skin surface which could aggravate your psoriasis symptoms further.


Layering Clothes for Extra Protection

Another helpful tip when choosing clothes is layering to protect yourself from external factors like harsh weather conditions or allergens in the environment.

By wearing multiple layers of breathable clothes like cotton shirts or cardigans, you're adding an extra barrier between your skin and any potential irritants.

Layering is particularly useful if you're experiencing a flare-up during pregnancy; it allows you to adjust your outfit accordingly without sacrificing comfort or style.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - pregnant mother holds her belly while standing, she is wearing layered clothing, a purple sweater over her white dress

In addition to adding layers, you can also consider using soft clothing materials like silk or cashmere that feel gentle on your skin for extra protection.

Choosing the right clothing during pregnancy with psoriasis may seem daunting at first, but it doesn't have to be a challenge.

By prioritizing comfort and breathability, avoiding tight-fitting clothes and layering for extra protection, you can keep your skin healthy and comfortable throughout your pregnancy.

Remember to listen to what your body needs and always consult with your doctor if you're experiencing any discomfort or psoriasis flare-ups during this time.


Sun Protection

Why Sun Protection is Important for Pregnant Women with Psoriasis

As a pregnant woman with psoriasis, it's important to take extra precautions when it comes to sun protection.

UV rays from the sun can trigger psoriasis flare-ups and cause skin damage, which can be especially harmful during pregnancy.

Protecting your skin from the sun is an easy way to prevent further irritation and promote healthy skin during pregnancy.


How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 is one of the best ways to protect your skin when going outside.

Apply sunscreen generously and frequently, especially if you're sweating or swimming. Reapply every two hours or immediately after towel-drying.

In addition to sunscreen, wearing protective clothing such as wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts can also help shield your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - pregnant woman outside enjoying the sun with blue and white striped large brimmed hat.

Look for clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton, which will help keep you cool while protecting your skin.


The Best Types of Sunscreen for Pregnant Women with Psoriasis

When looking for sunscreen, choose products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic to avoid irritating your sensitive skin.

Mineral-based sunscreens that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are also a good option because they're less likely to cause irritation than chemical-based sunscreens.

It's also important to avoid sunscreens that contain retinoids or salicylic acid, which can be harmful during pregnancy.

Always read labels carefully before buying any skincare products and consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.


Sun Protection Tips for Everyday Life

Remember that protecting your skin from the sun isn't just important when going outside on hot summer days – even on cloudy days UV rays can still penetrate through clouds and cause damage to your skin.

Make sun protection a part of your daily routine by applying sunscreen every morning and wearing protective clothing whenever possible.

With these sun protection tips in mind, you can help prevent psoriasis flare-ups and promote healthy skin during pregnancy.

Remember to always consult with your doctor about any skincare concerns you may have, and don't hesitate to ask for recommendations on the best products to use for your skin type.



Q. How can I treat psoriasis on my face during pregnancy?

A.You can use over-the-counter topicals such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil to treat mild psoriasis on your face during pregnancy. These options are safe for pregnant women as they don't contain harmful ingredients that may be absorbed through the skin. Additionally, avoid applying medications over large areas of skin or in large quantities, as this could lead to potential absorption 1.

Q. What natural remedies can help with scalp psoriasis?

A.Natural remedies for scalp psoriasis include aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil. Aloe vera can help soothe irritation and redness, while apple cider vinegar can help relieve itching of the scalp. Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate psoriasis symptoms 2. Remember to consult with your doctor before using any natural remedies during pregnancy.

Q. Does psoriasis worsen during pregnancy?

A.Psoriasis may fluctuate during pregnancy, with some women experiencing improvement (33-60%) and some experiencing a flare-up (25%) 3. It's important to monitor your symptoms and communicate with your healthcare provider to ensure proper treatment and care during pregnancy.

Q. Can pregnancy trigger psoriasis?

A.Pregnancy itself may not trigger psoriasis, but hormonal changes during pregnancy can influence the disease's progression. Although many women experience improvement in their psoriasis during pregnancy, some may have flare-ups or see no change in their symptoms 3.

Q. What skincare should be avoided while pregnant?

A.While pregnant, you should avoid using skincare products containing retinoids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and certain essential oils, like rosemary and sage, as they may cause harm to the developing fetus 4. Always consult with your doctor before using any skincare products during pregnancy to ensure their safety.

Q. Is there a specific term for psoriasis in pregnancy?

A.There is no specific term for psoriasis during pregnancy, but it is a common issue for women of reproductive age since three-quarters of patients develop the disease before their fourth decade 3. Maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider and adapting your skincare routine can help manage psoriasis during this time.

Psoriasis Skin Care Tips - beautiful African American woman in the 3rd trimester of her pregnancy rests in a recliner on her sundeck.



Managing psoriasis during pregnancy requires a comprehensive approach to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

By following the essential guidance provided in this article, you can effectively alleviate symptoms, reduce discomfort, and promote a healthier pregnancy.

A key aspect of managing psoriasis during pregnancy is establishing a gentle and nourishing skin care routine. Using mild cleansers and fragrance-free moisturizers helps maintain the skin's natural balance and prevent irritation.

Adopting bathing tips such as lukewarm baths with added colloidal oatmeal or moisturizing oils can soothe itchy and inflamed skin.

Wear loose-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics like cotton, avoid wearing tight clothing that can rub against psoriasis patches.

Stress management can play a vital role in minimizing psoriasis flare-ups during pregnancy.

Engaging in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or gentle exercises not only helps manage stress levels but also promotes overall well-being.

Options such as steroid creams and ointments, calcipotriene and calcitriol creams, coal tar products, or anthralin creams can be considered, but their usage should always be supervised by a medical professional.

As a pregnant woman with psoriasis, taking care of your skin is crucial for both your own health and the health of your baby.

While psoriasis can be challenging to manage during pregnancy due to the limitations on medications, there are still many ways you can take care of your skin and minimize symptoms.

We hope some of these tips have been helpful in guiding you towards a healthy and comfortable pregnancy.



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